About Me
My name is Zishan. So that I can be successful read in class 9 in Dhaka Badda. I am a self-driven and self motivated student. I like to motivate my friends of the school always and help them in their difficult times. I am a bright student of my school and do well in the academic and sports activities. I am capable to do well under any stressful condition. I am very skilled and knowledgeable student in my school. I do very hard study for long hours around the clock at home. I never left my home works and class works incomplete and like to complete all before bed time. My teachers like me very much because of my goodness and punctuality. I never become tired and continuously do hard work because my parents take care of me always. They always become conscious for my health and diet.
In This Last Month I Try To Work on YouTube. I Think Once I really Success. So, You All Pray For Me That I can be Successful…….Thank You
About Me
Reviewed by zishan360
October 09, 2017
Rating: 5

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